Wednesday, November 16, 2011

S.weet C.hic!

Oh boy! South Carolina really had some sweet treats for me! S.C. brought on this vintage orgasm that is indescribable! Some may not understand my choices but they speak volumes to me... I landed an oversized sweater, poncho cape, mustard vintage blazer, leopard blouse and many more that's not shown here. Disclaimer: If you are puzzled by my Thelma from Good Times, that 70's show sofa print poncho, don't be because I will rock it like non other! Wink wink!

I purchased 8 items all for $30! Now that's a steal... 4/8 of those items totaled $10! I didn't get the best deal on the remaining 4 pieces, but oh we'll they were still cheap. Anyway, hope you like!


  1. That Poncho is hott to death!!

    P.5. I love vintage orgasms!!!! :)

  2. Thanks chick! I knew somebody would appreciate and get my vision! Btw: everyone could use some kind of orgasm every now and again. : )
